Emotions are an important factor in building a professional or intimate relationships with others. The truth about the charm of amazing many people (politicians, actors, business figures) lies not so much in their appearance, as much in their ability to display appropriate emotions in any situation.

                Research specialists shows that usually colloquially used no more than 3,000 to 4000 words. However, in the language of the body has been demonstrated over 700 000 characters of wh

            "Who can laugh the other, it should be viewed seriously.

           You imagine everyday life without stress as reachless miracle? You have a sense of lack of time, you  assume greater responsibilities and

          Nervousness, anxiety, changes in eating habits, mood swings, headaches, loss of enthusiasm and energy, chronic fatigue and many other problems without obvious healthy reasons - that's the stress, the disease of modern society. Мedications and alcohol are not the solution.

         Stress can be a useful and harmful. Harmful stress, which specialists refer distress takes our energy and destroys us. Stress can be successfully controlled and overcome it in the workplace is an important component of an effective team.



         Стресът може да бъде полезен и вреден. Вредният стрес, който специалистите наричат дистрес, отнема нашата енергия и ни разрушава.

          Нервност, тревога, промяна в хранителните навици, променливо настроение, главоболие, загуба на ентусиазъм и енергия, хронична умора и много други проблеми без явна здравословна причина - това е стресът, болестта на съвременното общество.

            Представяте си ежедневието без стрес като непостижимо чудо? Имате усещане за недостиг на време, поели сте големи отговорности и изпадате в конфликтни ситуации?

            "Който може да разсмее другите, той трябва да бъде гледан сериозно. Това го знаят хората, имащи власт!"
